So You Like The Taste Of Meat


So you like the taste of meat eh? Most people do. As a matter of fact there’s more Vegetarians and Vegans who would admit to that as well! So WHY did former meat eaters stop eating meat? Well, most people who stop eating meat do so either for their health or because they love animals or both. I would imagine that the majority of people who eat meat would rather an animal NOT have to be killed in order to do so. Yes, that package of meat was an animal who was killed. Most people LOVE animals. Especially kids. But kids eat what is placed before them. They have little to no choice. Their choice is what their parent’s choose. So, do you like the taste of meat, but wish there was another way, a better way? There is. Here are some things to ask yourself:

Can I not eat as much meat as I do?

Can I try one day a week to explore Vegetarian eating?

Can I try to mix meat eating WITH Vegetarian/Vegan options as a way to cut back on meat?

In this day and age of technology there must be all kinds of support groups for people trying to cut back on meat eating and explore other ways. Why not join one!? In the long run you’ll be healthier and so will the innocent animals. The less people buy meat the less they will breed animals for people to buy/eat. Yes, believe it or not, you CAN make a difference! Try…

Would It Matter Then?


If you were a cow, a chicken, a pig, a farm animal…..would eating animals matter then? Does it matter to the animal that he is about to be killed? Does he feel scared? Does he feel pain?

Know this: that packaged meat in the grocery store, the burger from the fast food chain….was so much more that that. He/she was an innocent being with feelings who wished only to be ‘loved’. One day it mattered to me, and still does.

What can you do? The answer lies in what we eat. Reduce buying and eating meat and dairy. That would be a wonderful start! One that would help the animals AND your health. It did one more thing for me, it sure helped my conscience.

May our 2018 choices be kinder ones. Kind Food, Kind You.

Factory Farming Awareness

If you would like to know more about factory farming without the gore, check out this video in cartoon form. Please be part of the solution to factory farming. Please eat conscientiously. What a blessing to both your health and animals lives by doing so.

Mother Cow Hides Newborn Baby


A MOST touching story! Most diary cow’s babies are taken away at birth and killed, while the mother grieves and gives the babies milk to be sold to grocery stores. Do your homework on dairies. If you buy milk find out all you can about how they care for their cows. Buying from a local farmer or co-op is good but still research about the farm/farmer. Cows are precious and should be treated with their feelings in mind. Studying the different types of Vegetarianism and Veganism would be a great step in the right direction. Vegans don’t drink/use milk. Some Vegetarians may or may not drink it according to their wishes. Using soymilk, almond milk, or coconut milk part-time instead of cow’s milk is another great option! Let’s make a difference in the lives of these precious ones. The link to the article follows below. The article is based in Australia, but the conditions are the same here in the U.S.

Mother Cow Hides Newborn Baby To Protect Her From Farmer