All Who Have Life


My heart is inspired. It does my heart good to know that there are others out in our world fighting for animals. Sometimes I get depressed and feel despair to think of all the precious animals killed to eat or abused or chained. So much sadness, madness and cruelty.

But we are making headway! I don’t have statistics but I have a theory. When more and more people come together because they are outraged and those people make others aware of the outrage, then the movement grows, people and government listens and change happens. And change IS happening.

I wish more people would think about this question: “Just because one is used to eating animals, or just because the inside of the animal taste good, does that make it right to kill it and eat it?”

Children care. Most children don’t get a choice of what they eat. They eat the food placed before them. They get ‘used’ to eating meat, disassociating it from the living, loving animal who had feelings. The innocent child eating the innocent animal. One must ask themselves: “When is it no longer innocent to eat the innocent?”

It is not that this animal’s life is worth more or less than that animal’s life. It’s that lifeĀ  IN GENERAL is a gift to ALL who have life. There is no difference.

Let’s do a right thing. A thing that will make us happy and make animals happy. Let’s get them out of cages, off of chains, out of laboratories, out of factories that kill and abuse them, and away from abusers. How? Fight for them, speak up for them, sign petitions for them, do not eat them…….care for them and love them. Please oh please, love them!

The New Face Of Slavery


Meet the new face of slavery. Or should I say meat….the new face of slavery. We can fight for their freedom by simply not eating them. I tried Vegetarianism in 2000 and have remained one ever since. It wasn’t as difficult as I thought. Stopping slavery takes a group effort. And it starts with just one person at a time. Please be a part of their freedom and not their oppression. Kindness begins by being determined to make tenderhearted decisions. Take a stand against all forms of slavery. You CAN make a difference. Please try.